The message from the Youth in Lubhoo (Lalitpur) is loud and clear. Yesterday they arranged a rally and street drama in their village to create awareness about Earth Quake risk management.
These youth are from the Junior Red Cross Circle at their school. The school has a project on Disaster Risk Reduction. Lubhoo village has a population of 5000, and is at big risk for being destroyed in an earth quake.

It is estimated to be an earth quake in 2009-2010 in Kathmandu Valley. Red Cross in Nepal has a big focus on people preparedness for this matter.
These posters say: " Disaster dosn't discriminate between rich and poor, powerful and powerless. So be aware of it and be prepared in time ", "We must implement the activities focusing on post disaster problems. Prepare the disaster preparedness plan" and "Let's unite for Risk reduction!"

The street drama is a very effective way to gather people in the middle of the day. Curios village people gathered to watch the enthusiastic students giving a great show on disaster risk reduction. This picture is from a scene where a traditional medicine man tries to convince the audience to by a medicine against earth quake and the man with the black cape and masc is the ghost from someone who died in an earth quake.

Emil and me posing in front of the sub chapter :)
savner deg du engasjerte, flotte og vakre menneske:)
SvarSlettklem fra ho andre Camilla